-Yes!...ik kan weer in mijn scrapkamer wezen!!! Vandaag is het niet zo warm meer en de hitte op zolder is ook verdwenen....dus ik heb weer gescrapt en Fimo embellishments gemaakt......
This weeks challenge of Scrapping out Loud...... is to rip something up and put it on your layout! Rip some paper, fabric, cardboard, ribbon, ...whatever.....Now rip it...Into shape...Shape it up...Get straight...Go forward...Move ahead...Try to detect it...It's not too late...To rip it, rip it good! I have used also the word of the week...Listen...
The picture is of 2001 and it is not a perfect picture, but I think it is a cute picture of my niece Lotte and my father....When this picture was taken, my niece was 3 years old. She was at my parents home and made her own little house under the dinertable...with her dolls and books.
And ofcourse my father had to visit her in her little house...where she "read" my father a story:)
This layout is made on a paperbag. The papers I have used are of My little Shoebox and AmericanCrafts. I also have used bookpages, fimo embellies, stickers and handstitching.
-Deze foto is gemaakt in 2001 en het is geen perfecte foto, maar ik vind het wel een schattige foto van Lotte en mijn vader. Toen deze foto gemaakt is was Lotte 3 jaar oud...en ze was bij mijn ouders thuis....ze had haar eigen kleine huisje onder de eettafel gemaakt...met haar poppen en boeken zat ze onder de tafel te spelen. En natuurlijk moest opa bij haar op bezoek komen in haar eigen huisje...waar ze hem een verhaal "voorlas":)
Listen grandpa... I going to read you a fairy-tale...
My little house under the table....
-Mijn kleine huis onder de tafel....
I have made this little apples of Fimo clay...
And some more stuf I have made today with Fimo....
-En andere Fimo frutsels die vandaag gemaakt heb....lekkere ijsjes....

...A little ladybug, apples and pears....
...A little ladybug, apples and pears....
-Een klein Lieveheersbeestje, appels en peren....
-Kleine knoopjes en sterretjes in verschillende kleuren....
Have a very nice weekend:):):)
Your layout is completely adorable...love all the little embellies you made!!! Thanks so much for playing along and using the WOTW as well,,,fantastic!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenohhh i just love this layout,completely different and adorable!..beautiful embellies!! love your work! thanks so much for playing at SOL!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThis is the cutest layout ever Mirjam! Your embellishments really add that special touch to your page! Divine! :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh so very cute. Love thos embellishments. adorable.!